Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better
The Beatles
Why Rome is burning
This entire blog shows that capitalism has destroyed itself because it brought about eight deadly toxins. However, here is a quick summary:
a) Modern Quantitative Easing will bring about greatest asset bubble and depression ever historically recorded.
b) A Regressive Tax System based on offshore tax havens will bring about inequality and corruption that will bring down its house, or 'maker' - Capitalism by itself out of sheer greed.
c) Factory Farming based on detachment between consumer and production has brought about a torture of animals on a scale previously unimaginable in previous agricultural societies.
d) A tragic Health-System dominated by fraudulent globalist organisations such as the WHO, creating hoax safety policies based on false fears and false tests such as the Corona-Virus lockdowns, has destroyed middle and small sized business and leaves us vulnerable to real health threats as we have corrupt unscientific bureaucrats leading the show.
e) A tragic Justice-System based on institutionalisation and punishment, not justice and rehabilitation, best emphasised by the cruel Prison Industrial Complex and War on Drugs.f) Politicians dominated by old guard interests (e.g. Rockefeller, Rothschild) promoting a New World Agenda, as expressed by DAVOS and formulated in Bilderberg, based upon the lie that 'having nothing you will be happy'.
g) Politicians equally dominated by technocrats, putting to much focus on technology and too little on labour, and controlling society through surveillance and algorithms; making the public less emotionally fulfilled and less intelligent.
h) The surge in usury crime, shown by private record credit debt as well as extremely high public debt, meaning an economic meltdown would likely wipe the modern system and provoke hyper-inflation. Younger generations do not wish to pay off debt belonging to living older generations.
These problems are all far too big and unsustainable to be kept for the sake of capitalism. As we are stewards on earth, it is time for people to take advantage of the information age to usher in the next great economic system - called Labour-Capital Parity.
The groundbreaking research of Picketty on wealth distribution and capitalism shows that without progressive taxation and a reduction of economics gains from capital relative to labour till they match, as the economy grows and time passes, without a world war (that given nuclear weapons would be horrendous) inequality will sky-rocket to levels never known on earth, just when we are ready - armed with technology and information for greater prosperity and equality.
The capital-labour parity solution
The focus of the economy has to be on self-sustainability since those being institutionalised by a fragile and destroyed system will be destroyed themselves by the fall of the system. Therefore, the future will be a lot more independent and a lot more humane.
a) Agriculture will prosper Swedish style and factory farms will be abolished like human slavery was.
b) The prison system will rehabilitate criminals Norwegian style.
c) The drug war will be fought Portugal style.
d) Politicians will be much more labour and community focused, with the demand for parity in labour and capital's importance to the economy being at the front of their minds, as they will be economically literate.
e) The fraudulent leaders of the modern health system will be replaced by experts and education will be reformed to discuss their modern frauds as this blog shows.
f) Tax havens will crumble under the weight of transparency and the tax system will be progressive, not regressive.
g) Central Banks will never be trusted again and the concept replaced by an uncorruptable blockchain like Bitcoin centred on proof-of-work and transparency.
h) Free speech will be allowed in the same respect than independence prospers, which depends entirely on the power of the people. Hence, this blog wishes to empower and provide answers as well as reveal concealed problems with the economy, obviously unreported by the mainstream news.
In twenty-five years, I believe this blog will be mainstream and not counterculture as all the topics it discusses people are passionate about today. That is the goal. Keep talking about economics and society folks!
Much love.
