Epistemonikon (What is worth knowing)
The Mystery see
Lets not even presume
The mind can know the least of things
Why limit the infinite
Kill what is not ours to kill
Why make small what is measureless
Hold what cannot be caught
No where to hide anyways
Soul has no prison
Lets stop the petty game
And live the truth
See what is really there
Beyond past's lies
Philosophy - Counter-culture! Hell Yeah!
Hi there. Welcome to my blog. First, let me be clear about me. This is not an anarchist's blog. I'm sorry anarchists, but that is because I am not black and white. In my view, having no institutions, governments and hierarchical culture is not the solution to an overly-oppressive culture imposing totalitarianism. In fact, the two extremes of anarchy and totalitarianism almost overlap in their similarities, like fascism and communism, and really serve as just the excuse for one another. The point being, why improve something you want dead, better to make it worse?
However, just as having no family unit, no religion and no science is not a solution to coercive families, corrupt religions and false dogma dressed up as science; and just as having no law and order, no healthcare system, and no news is evidently not the solution to widespread court, pharmaceutical and media corruption; or just as self-development does not require constructing a whole new identity and scrapping your past entirely; nor greater transparency require the complete stripping away of privacy (and I could go on but you get the point)... it is an incredibly naive philosophy to say our culture has no value, as soon as its many evils are understood.
Quite simply, counter-culture does not need be destroy-culture.
It's just there has to be an acknowledgement that culture can train us to be less human as much as it helps us lead more humane lives, and that we can care about this and should.
I think regarding pretty much everything that interests us in life, there is generally never a single solution or problem, nor cause nor effect alone, for us to reflect upon, deal with or provide, but instead multiple ones at once. Yet in our current culture, academics and particularly scientists like to deal with cause and effect in a linear way (much like saying 1 + 1 = 2) as its easy to measure, answers the part of us that craves certainty and appeals most to our left-brains. But reality is far more complicated, mysterious and strange, and yet always worth knowing.
Moreover, It is known 99% of the time that preventing problems is wiser than finding their cures, in the same vein that teaching a man to fish is better than giving him fish. What this requires from us is to use foresight, memory and intuition; and above all our consciousnesses, acknowledging that our biggest mistakes come from false certainty, false assumptions and false confidence.
It is undeniable to me that we are all winners and victims of culture, albeit to varying degrees, and we all want to live more prosperous and spiritual lives.
People who force total responsibility on others- through self-confirmation bias, over self-belief and negation of luck in life, and opting to hold the bullying 'you are not a victim'-esque mentalities, frankly are most blind to this truth. What I feel this therefore entails is that we must put our efforts into absorbing the bigger picture of what our culture is in order to be more fully emancipated. And I concentrate primarily on Western Culture in this blog, but of course culture is a flexible word.
So to be more concise, the dominant culture around me that I feel oppresses has taken the form of capitalist institutions inspired by the Neo-liberal movement and kleptocracy in the past and present.
That said, I'm a cynic of naivety and do believe there is a balance in this world which is ignored. In reality I believe the people get what they deserve and then scapegoat normally innocent individuals when they perceive it to be bad, claiming that they've been duped and madmen or psychopaths caused the damage.
The core issues - Macro-economics
The issues this blog centres on are prescient and have no easy-fix. When I set about to work on the blog, being not a fast-worker, I did not want to go over small issues which would lose relevance in a matter of years, or less, and I believe this blog achieved that goal. At the core there is sad pattern provoking most cultural issues that I touch upon- industries get corrupted by too much money (even those such as science, health and mental health); people rely too much on hierarchy and seek too much status over truth; and the media, politicians and technocrats take advantage of this exact weakness to whitewash all the most heinous crimes committed on this earth and at the same time to make people extremely fierce over exactly the topics that they wish them to be fierce about. In this way, our society is constantly molded and exploited through a tried and tested rule and divide mechanism.
As a social economist, I believe the matters have got so severe as to require radical institutional reform in three vital ways.
First and foremost, in most leading developed nations the inflation that governments and central banks need to concern themselves primarily with is asset inflation (bearing in mind asset bubbles have provoked the worst economic crises in the past century, not hyperinflation, in these developed nations). This means the worlds major central banks reckless and catastrophic managing of Quantitative Easing and Zero Low Interest Rates for the last decade need to be fixed, banished (never repeated) and these banks actually punished for shamelessly abusing their powers over a decade. This blog actually predicts the fall of capitalism as the result of Quantitative Easing.
Secondly, the world's nations need to actually unite on an issue which causes more economic and social harm than any other - the Tax Havens - even if only for the preservation of the ideal of progressive taxation's sake, though also justifiably for the prevention of political and legal corruption and criminal money laundering on a scale never known before.
Thirdly, the issue of the staggering rise in national debt across the world over the past decades must be tackled, otherwise the working class of the next 8 (maybe even more) generations will suffer disproportionately and astronomically for the sheer greed of the ruling class of the last 2 or 3 generations. Justice needs to be done on those who created this damning pool of toxic debt.
The Core Issues - Micro-economics and Health-Economics
This blog shows that worryingly the Health-sector has become increasingly venture capitalist, culminating in the worst possible economic reaction to the Covid crisis being implemented by governments worldwide.
On a micro-scale, this blog discusses Bitcoin, Blockchain and why Peer-to-peer technologies are important and good investments to make. Above all, this blog aims to help you personally through wisdom and psychology, and the micro-economics section includes various posts to help you have the best mentality for making money and making the best personal financial decisions. Hence, this blog has the potential to massively help your personal finance.
The Capital-Labour Parity Solution
This blog doesn't just paint a picture of the current situation, it looks to the future. I have provided a groundbreaking concept of a new system, based on simplicity, showing how the economy can be saved.
Without ruining it here, check it out in the original article - https://www.counterculture-economics-health-philosophy.com/post/dreamwork
On top of all this, this blog is inspired by fresh poetry.
I hope all these core issues and the groundbreaking solution wets your appetite for this blog!
